4 albums 1 color

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, more people than ever feel bored and disconnected from society. Tons of social media trends have started to surface as we live our days in isolation, I have been having a lot of fun participating in one I found on Twitter.

The details are simple, someone posts 4 music albums that they love and they all share the same cover art color. Whoever responds will receive a random color choice from the original poster and will quote retweet with their choice in their given color and keep the cycle going.

I love this trend because it thrives on interconnectivity and allows the users to reflect on pieces of art they love with an interesting perspective. Music is such a beautifully artistic and important art form. The art that accompanies the album produced is just as important as the sound waves involved. Album art reflects the overall theme and vibe that a musical work wants to convey without revealing too many details. Colors obviously play important roles in assigning tones when it comes to design so I found this to be a really interesting and fun approach to the trend.

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